Organic Chemistry Practice Test

This mock-up examination is designed to give you practice in answering questions in organic chemistry subject. This practice test is consist of 35 multiple-choice questions representing a fairly wide range of difficulty. Choose the best answer from the answer choices. To proceed to the next question, just click or tap the 'continue' button. Good luck! 

What is the IUPAC name for the following compound?
What is the major product obtained from the following reaction sequence?
What is the total number of pi bonds found in the following compound?
What is the major product of the following reaction?
Given the following compounds, which has the smallest bond angle?
What is the best name for the following compound?
Which of the following compounds is the strongest Br⊘nsted base?
What is the major product expected from the following reaction?
Ethers are formed by attachment of:
Which of the functional groups on the following molecule are susceptible to nucleophilic attack?
Which of the following compounds would have the highest boiling point?
Which of the following alkanes would have the highest boiling point?
What is the major product expected from the following reaction?
Which of the following reaction sequences would be the best synthesis of t-butyl alcohol?
The mechanism of the reaction of propene with HOCl (Cl2 + H2O) will proceed through which of the following intermediates?
The Williamson ether synthesis produces ethers by reacting an:
What is the best reagent to convert isopropyl alcohol to isopropyl bromide?
Arrange the following groups in decreasing order of priority for E/Z nomenclature with the highest priority group listed first.
The most stable conformational isomer of cis-1-bromo-2-chlorocyclohexane will have...
The mechanism of the reaction of propene with H3O+ will proceed through which of the following intermediates?
What is the major product of the following reaction?
Which of the these compounds represents the major monochlorination isomer formed in the following reaction?
What is the IUPAC name for the following compound?
What is the major product of the following reaction?
The most stable conformational isomer of trans-1-ethyl-2-methylcyclohexane will be...
What is the major product of the following reaction?
All of the following are observed for the positive test for unsaturation except for?
The major reason that phenol is a better Br⊘nsted acid than cyclohexanol is...
The best nomenclature for the geometry of the following compound is...
How are the following compounds related?
What is the total number of sigma bonds found in the following compound?
What is the major product expected from the following reaction?
The reaction of propene with HBr in the presence of ROOR (peroxide) proceeds through which of the following intermediates?
What is the best name for the following compound?
Close-chained hydrocarbon containing alternating single and double bonds are generally known to have intense smells, what are these compounds?