Inorganic Chemistry Practice Test

This practice test will test your knowledge of inorganic chemistry, its fundamentals, inorganic reactions and characterization of inorganic compounds. It is consist of 35 multiple-choice questions representing a fairly wide range of difficulty. Choose the best answer from the answer choices. To proceed to the next question, just click or tap the 'continue' button. Good luck! 

Which of the following electron configurations represents the electron configuration for a magnesium cation...Mg2+?
If the temperature of a reaction is increased by 20°C the reaction rate will be...
The half-life of francium-212 is 19 minutes. How many minutes will it take for 1 gram of this isotope to decay to 0.125 grams?
Fluorine atoms tend to_____when they form chemical compounds with metals.
What happens when a fluorine atom becomes a fluoride ion in a chemical reaction?
Which of the following is the correct electron-dot formula for carbon dioxide?
The following reaction coordinate diagram represents...
When two ionic compounds are dissolved in water, a double replacement reaction can...
What would be the volume in liters of 640g of oil if the density of the oil is 0.8 g/mL?
Which of the following correctly represents the balanced chemical reaction between aluminum and sulfur?
When the following reaction equation is properly balanced, the number of moles of O2 will be...
The identity of an element is determined by...
How many moles of CO2 are present in 220mg?
Which of the following is the correct electron-dot formula for water?
If additional calcium phosphate is added to the above reaction mixture, what will happen to the overall reaction?
If the absolute temperature of a gas is doubled and the pressure of the gas is halved, how will the volume change?
If the concentration of a reactant is tripled, the reaction rate will...
How many valence electrons does an oxygen atom have?
Which of the following is the correct name for NaHCO3?
How many grams of NaOH are needed to make 100 milliliters of a 0.2 molar solution of NaOH?
What is the major attraction between water molecules in the solid physical state?
The probability area that best represents the shape of an atomic 3p orbital is...
In a single replacement reaction, why will one metal replace another metal in an ionic compound?
Which of the following compounds should have the highest boiling point?
Which of the bonds, shown by the dash, has the greatest polarity?
If both the volume and the pressure of a gas are doubled, how will the temperature change?
How many milliliters of 2 M NaCl solution are required to make 1 liter of 0.4 M NaCl solution?
The atom formed by the beta decay of carbon-14 is...
The pressure of a gas will____when the volume is decreased and will_____when the absolute temperature is decreased.
How many calories are needed to raise the temperature of 10 grams of water from -5°C to 15°C? Assume that the water is cooled below the freezing point but has not frozen.
When the following reaction equation is properly balanced, the number of moles of O2 will be...
What is the formal charge of the oxygen atom of the following compound?
Which of the following represents the correct formula for aluminum oxide?
Which of the following orbital box diagrams represents silicon, which has 14 electrons?
What is the formal charge of the oxygen atom of the following compound?