Pharmacognosy Mock Exam

This is the second module and it consists of 30-question practice test in a multiple choice format. Read the questions carefully and choose the best answer from the answer choices. Good luck! 

All 20 amino acids are optically active except:
Condition caused by a lack of insulin or a resistance to insulin.
Which amino acid is conjugated with bile in the liver to form bile salts?
Presents as hypothyroidism with compensatory enlargement of the thyroid gland:
The activation of pepsinogen requires:
These are esters of fatty acids and a monohydric alcohol:
The end product of hydrolysis of glycogen is:
The enzyme affected in this glycogen storage disease is glucose-6-phosphate. Symptoms include enlarged liver and kidney failure.
The end product of protein metabolism is:
The following are essential fatty acids except:
An allergic reaction is primarily due to the release of:
Removal of TAG from VLDL will ultimately form what?
Sickle cell diseases is a genetic disorder of the blood by a point mutation in the β-globin gene. In the amino acid substitution, ____is replaced by ______.
The citric acid cycle is an example of what metabolism?
Compute for the isoelectric point of lysine. pK1=2.2; pK2=9.2; pK3=10.8
Regarding steroid synthesis, which of the following is/are true?
Digestion of carbohydrates begin where?
This test is used to differentiate monosaccharides from dissacharides.
Blood test of this condition shows elevated T3 and T4 hormones and low levels of TSH.
The α-naphthol reaction is also called?
Malnutrition that arises when an individual's dietary intake is sufficient, but energy is not adequately absorbed by the body.
How many high energy phosphate bonds is/are found in ADP?
Seliwanoff's test is for?
Serotonin is synthesized from this amino acid:
Goldbeater's test is used to detect:
MAO is a?
How many ATP is generated by 1 molecule of NADH via oxidative phosphorylation:
Iodination of T3 forms what product?
Nitric oxide is derived from which amino acid?
Purine base(s)