PHINMA Scholarship 2022 Application is Now Open: Apply Now!

In 2006, PHINMA Foundation Inc. (PFI) established The PHINMA National Scholarship (PNS) to commemorate PHINMA Corporation’s 50th anniversary. In keeping with its mission of improving lives through education and nation-building, the program’s objective is to develop not just professionals, but future leaders. The PNS is regarded as PFI’s flagship program. PHINMA hopes to demonstrate its commitment to education through this program by producing globally competitive young Filipinos and providing opportunities to the country’s economically disadvantaged but talented youth. Aside from financial assistance, PNS is also a leadership development program, preparing scholars to be academically excellent, field leaders, and professionals who contribute to the country’s economic and social development

How to Apply

The PHINMA Foundation Inc. is now accepting applicants for SY 2022-2023. You can submit your application and requirements from July 18, 2022, until September 30, 2022. To apply, please follow this link: PNS Application Form SY 2022-2023.


Prepare the digital copies of the following requirements. You will be required to upload it once you answer the online application form.

1. Statement of financial income.

  • For applicants with employed parents, upload any of the following
    • latest 1 month payslip
    • or, latest Income Tax Return or BIR Form 2316 (W2), if available
  • For applicants with unemployed parents, upload the following:
  • certificate of non-filing of ITR

2. Copy of Official transcript of Records from Senior High School attended, or Grade 11 & 12 Form 138 – Keep them in one document only.

3. One proof of enrollment (e.g. class schedule/enrollment O.R./registration form, etc.) AND/OR any proof of passing the entrance exam (e.g. Letter of Acceptance)

4. 1 copy of 2×2 ID picture with white background taken within the last 6 months

5. At least two (2) Utility bills (e.g. electric, water or telephone) for the last 3 months

5. At least two recommendation letters from any of the following:

  • PNS Alumni
  • SHS Homeroom Teacher/ Adviser
  • SHS Principal
  • Any leader in the community (church, barangay, NGO, etc.)
  • Previous employer, if any.

Recommendation Letter Guidelines

PNS Recommendation Letter Guide

Scholarship Qualifications

The following may be eligible to apply for the PHINMA National Scholarship Program:

  • A Filipino citizen
  • Has been accepted to the following universities:
    • Philippine Normal University
    • University of the Philippines Diliman
    • Polytechnic University of the Philippines
    • PHINMA University of Pangasinan
    • In need of financial assistance (with supporting documents)
    • Does not have an immediate relative under the PNS scholarship or alumni of PNS

Qualified applicants must go through the selection process.

Academic Requirements

The scholarship is awarded to students enrolled in the following schools and courses:

Philippine Normal University-Manila

Education degree with specialization in the fields of:

University of the Philippines – Diliman

  • Electrical Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Industrial Engineering
  • Electronics and Communications Engineering

Polytechnic University of the Philippines – Sta. Mesa

  • Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

University of Pangasinan

  • Must already be a UPang PHINMA scholar
  • Bachelor of Education
  • Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
  • Engineering courses

Benefits of PHINMA Scholars

The PHINMA National Scholarship is a full scholarship and leadership development program for college students. The program consists of three components:


The financial assistance provided by the program is supported by the PHINMA Group of Companies and the Adopt-A-Scholar Program. The grant enables our scholars to have access to quality education programs.

A PNS Scholar is entitled to the following privileges:

  • 100% financial assistance on tuition and fees for the normal length of a particular course (Fees may also be offset by other scholarships)
  • Monthly allowance of Php 3,000
  • Annual book allowance of Php 2,000
  • Annual uniform allowance of Php 1,500
  • Additional professional development allowance of Php 3,000
  • Financial assistance for board exams review
  • Participation in PHINMA Leadership and Mentorship Program


Through the Big Brother and Big Sister Program, members of the PHINMA Family mentor and guide scholars. This program is a part of the PHINMA HERO initiative. Volunteers for the program range from top management to staff members. The volunteers meet with the scholars on a regular basis as part of the program to guide their personal and professional development.


The program is committed to forming each scholar by providing supplemental workshops and on-the-job training, alternative learning experiences, and opportunities for service and volunteerism.


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