6 Effective Home Studying Strategies

You may have difficulty adjusting to the “new normal” of online learning in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Studying can be challenging when there are so many distractions in the comfort of your own home. It can be difficult to maintain motivation and focus during these trying times, especially when global events and news headlines seem to demand your attention on a near-daily basis. To assist students in remaining productive while studying remotely, we’ve compiled a list of essential tips for remaining focused and overcoming distractions while studying at home.

Make a Separate Study Area for Yourself

You cannot begin studying or planning without first establishing a quiet space in which to work. Identify a quiet location for your study area. It could be a small corner in your bedroom dedicated to studying. While your bedroom may function as a study space, avoid working in bed — this is critical for proper sleep hygiene as you do not want to throw off your body’s sleep cycle. Assure that it is clean and organized, with all of your learning materials easily accessible, to assist you in remaining focused and motivated to complete those much-needed uninterrupted study sessions.
Then, create a tranquil environment conducive to studying with minimal distractions and anxiety. Put away your phone and consider lighting a candle or incense. If you desire fresh air, open the window and allow natural light to enter.

Prepare all the necessary items, such as a snack and beverage, a calculator, a countdown timer, a pen and paper, and noise-canceling headphones. By pre-planning these items, you can maintain focus and avoid getting up and procrastinating on your work.

Outline Your Objectives and Intentions

To begin, let us consider the following: Make a list of all the tasks you wish to accomplish. Are you a student attempting to pass a test? Are you required to create an outline for a research paper? Do you wish to conduct career research? Make a note of your objectives so that you can create a study schedule around them.

Once you’ve established your objective, you can outline the steps necessary to accomplish it. A good rule of thumb is to create SMART goals: those that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. Additionally, you can create subgoals and subtasks to assist in defining measurable outcomes.

Establish a Study Schedule

After you’ve identified your objectives, you’ll need to commit time to achieve them. You should create a study or work schedule in advance. Create a study schedule that works best for you! How much time will you devote to reading? Are you taking practice exams? Are you looking for sources? Writing? You must first determine your end goal and then create a schedule to accomplish it.

Develop a daily study habit. By studying at the same time every day, you can mentally and emotionally prepare yourself for a study session. As a result, you’ll see an increase in productivity. Create a to-do list of the tasks you wish to complete during each learning session to maximize your time.

Keep Your Attention on the Goal

Don’t delay! Make sure to remove distractions that delay your study sessions. If you want to perform well at your online/home studying, you should remove any distractions from your surroundings. To assist you in keeping your attention, remove your phone and avoid looking at your social media accounts. Finish your homework before you do anything else.

Use the Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro Technique is a time management technique that can help you stay on task. A 25-minute study session is broken up into five-minute breaks. Pomodoros are a term used to describe these intervals. A longer break of 15 to 20 minutes is taken after four pomodoros. Regular breaks will allow you to re-energize your mind and prevent burnout.

Stay Connected

If you are having difficulty understanding something in your lessons, do not hesitate to contact your classmates and instructors for assistance. If you are struggling with anxiety and uncertainty, reach out to friends and parents. It is critical to have a strong support system in place during this difficult time.

Take Care of Yourself

Studying wisely does not require you to be excessively strict with your study or work schedule. Take time away from your books to practice self-care. Ensure that you get enough sleep, drink plenty of water, eat nutritious meals, and engage in some physical activity. At least 20 minutes of aerobic activity per day is recommended, which can include running outside or vigorous activity such as jumping jacks. When it comes to food, ensure that you consume a variety of nutritious vegetables, proteins, and fats. While the temptation to eat junk food is strong while studying, these foods deplete your energy and certain stimulants can also cause you to “crash” once their effects wear off. Apart from eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly, you can also experiment with other self-soothing techniques, such as taking a hot bath or listening to calming music. Additionally, meditation is an excellent way to alleviate anxiety and sharpen your focus. Prioritize your health. After all, academic success requires a healthy body and mind.


Studying at home during the COVID-19 will undoubtedly present its own set of difficulties. Distractions abound, which is why procrastination and motivation loss are common. However, with sufficient effort and commitment, an effective home study is possible. Therefore, prepare to make learning enjoyable and fruitful by following these tips!

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