PRC Online Oathtaking Application 2021 Guide

Due to the imposed restrictions on mass gatherings during community quarantines and upon the recommendation of the concerned Professional Regulatory Boards, the conduct of mass oathtaking was postponed accordingly. However, the Professional Regulation Commission is now implementing an online oathtaking application system and conduct virtual special oathtaking to allow the new passers to be able to register and immediately practice their profession during this time of pandemic and health crisis. Without further ado, here is our PRC Online Oathtaking Application Guide to help you accomplish this task.

Online Oathtaking Application System Guide

Below is the step-by-step procedure of the online oathtaking application system.

1. Go to then log-in to your existing account. Click the SELECT TRANSACTION button at the upper-right corner of the screen then select “e-OATH” as the transaction.

Choose E-oath

2. Provide your application number as indicated in your Notices of Admission (NOA) to get an online oathtaking schedule. Click “PROCEED,” and the page will redirect to the appointment module. With the system’s automatic verification, only those who passed the exam will be able to proceed with the transaction and set their appointment place and date for their online oathtaking.

provide NOA number

3. Select your preferred PRC Regional Office and click “NEXT.” The system will automatically give you the earliest date set for online oathtaking.

Choose place and schedule

4. After confirmation, click “SUBMIT APPLICATION” to proceed.

Submit application

5. A confirmation message will pop up with the summary of your transaction. Click “CLICK TO GO BACK” to redirect to your EXISTING TRANSACTIONS.

Record confirmation number

6. You will see your transaction details from your EXISTING TRANSACTIONS. Click “PRINT DOCUMENT” to print your oath form.

Print -oath form

7. You will receive a confirmation email containing the invitation link and password to the video conference. The video conferencing link and password for the oathtaking are strictly confidential and sharing the same with any other person is prohibited.

Requirements During Online Oathtaking Ceremony

Here are the requirements and protocols before and during the online oathtaking ceremony:

Formality Requirements

  • You are advised to download the Microsoft Teams application and familiarize yourself with the application’s operational features prior to the ceremony.
  • You are also required to wear formal or business attire or any attire that the concerned PRB may require.
  • Ensure that your setup area has a stable internet connection to avoid disruptions and preferably with no background noise to maintain the solemnity of the ceremony. Use a white backdrop (white physical or virtual background) throughout the ceremony.
  •  Before the scheduled online oathtaking ceremony, you are required to print the “OATH OF PROFESSIONAL” form, downloadable at the PRC Online Services.

Pre-Ceremony Protocols

  • At the scheduled time and date of the ceremony, you shall open the invitation link provided at any time one (1) hour before the start of the ceremony for identity screening
    purposes. For example, if your scheduled online oathtaking is at 10:00 AM, the screening time shall be between 9:00 AM to 9:45 AM.
  • Fifteen minutes prior to the actual time of the ceremony, no inductee shall be admitted. Those who are unable to join within the said screening time will no longer be allowed to access the video conference and to take their oath.
  • Upon clicking the link, you will be directed to a lobby (virtual waiting room), and you shall be required to standby until the administrator/host admits you into the main video conference room.
  • You are allowed to log-in and join the video conference using one (1) device only. Those whose name will appear more than once in the video conference’s list of participants due to the use of several devices shall be presumed to have shared the link details with unauthorized persons in violation of the rules herein stated. Accordingly, all participants bearing multiple names shall be removed from the video conference and shall no longer be admitted to the said ceremony.
  • Those denied admissions to the video conference may no longer be readmitted to the videoconferencing room but will be allowed to get another appointment.

Proper Decorum

  • You shall maintain formality and solemnity of the oathtaking ceremony, and proper decorum shall be expected from all attendees. Stepping out of the video conference, taking calls, shouting, or doing any other activity that may cause interruption to the ceremony is prohibited. No other person or object is allowed to be seen with the inductee at any time during the video conference.
  • You are required to turn ON your video camera during the screening and the entire ceremony. Audio should always be kept on MUTE mode except during the administration or recital of the Professional’s Oath.
  • Those whose connections are disrupted BEFORE the recital of oath shall be allowed to rejoin the video conference provided that the recital thereof has not yet commenced. Those whose connections are disrupted DURING the recital of the Professional’s Oath due to technical-related reasons will no longer be readmitted but shall be requested to get another appointment for a new schedule. Those whose connections are disrupted AFTER the recital of oath shall be considered to have completed the ceremony and shall be tagged to have attended the same.
  • Any improper, unwarranted, offensive, or untoward behavior during the video conference will warrant immediate removal from the video conference and will constitute a failure to fulfill the oath requirement for the inductee prior to registration as a professional. Such inductee may however be allowed to get another appointment schedule.
  • You are required to complete the ceremony and may take a photograph or screenshot of the oathtaking ceremony showing yourself as supporting proof of attendance in addition to the generated list of attendance from the system.
  • Those with a confirmed appointment for online oathtaking but failed to join the same on the scheduled date, for whatever reasons, will be allowed to get another appointment following the same procedures as provided in these guidelines.
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Marianne Tajantajan
Marianne Tajantajan
3 years ago

Good day! I missed the oath taking last December 2019 for Psychometrician. Would it be possible to avail the e-oath taking? Anticipating for your response. Thank you!

3 years ago

I missed the e-oath taking this April 2021. Would there be a next e-oath taking this May 2021? Hoping for your answer. Many thanks.