Top 18 Possible Questions in a Thesis Defense

A thesis defense is an important milestone in a student’s academic career. It is a chance for the student to demonstrate that they have learned the material and are able to defend their work in front of their peers and professors. The thesis defense is also an opportunity for the student to learn more about what it takes to be a successful researcher. In order to prepare for the thesis defense, the student should review their research paper and practice speaking about their findings. They should also be prepared to answer questions from the audience.

When you’re ready to present your thesis to your professor, you’ll likely have a few questions in mind. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Here are the ten most common questions and what to expect when defending your work.

What should you expect during your thesis defense?

Your thesis defense is the culmination of your graduate studies. It is a time to showcase your hard work and intellectual prowess. You will be questioned by your committee, who will be looking for evidence that you understand your research and can defend it against criticism. Be prepared to answer questions about your research, methodology, findings, and implications. You may also be asked about your future plans and how you see your research impacting the field of study. Be confident and poised during your defense; it is an opportunity to demonstrate that you are a scholar worthy of a degree.

Top 18 Questions and Answers During Thesis Defense

A graduate student’s academic career isn’t complete without a successful defense of a thesis. For graduate students, the defense of their thesis before a panel of experts is a critical step in the process of proving the validity of their findings. To help you prepare for your own thesis defense, we’ve compiled a list of 18 frequently asked questions and their associated answers.

1. What are the main findings of your thesis?

In your response, you should briefly summarize your investigation. The question is straightforward but requires technical knowledge for a more complete explanation of the concepts. For instance, if you were attempting to describe the relationship between job satisfaction and affective commitment in a thesis, you could construct your response as follows:

The main findings of my thesis are that there is a significant relationship between job satisfaction and organizational commitment and that this relationship is mediated by affective commitment. Additionally, I found that there is a significant relationship between affective commitment and turnover intention.

2. Why did you choose this study?

This question demands that you explain your initial motivation for pursuing the topic. Your responses may touch on your own research interests. For instance, if you did a study titled “The Extent of State Obligations in Preventing and Combating Human Trafficking: Challenges and Perspectives for a Philippine Human Rights-Based Approach,” your response could be as follows:

I chose this study because human trafficking is a grave violation of human rights and a pressing global issue. The Philippines is considered a source, transit, and destination country for human trafficking, making it an appropriate context for examination. By exploring the extent of state obligations in preventing and combating human trafficking, I aim to shed light on the challenges faced by the Philippine government in fulfilling its duties. Additionally, I seek to highlight the potential of a human rights-based approach to address this issue effectively. Through this research, I hope to contribute to the existing literature and generate practical recommendations for policymakers and stakeholders in the Philippines and beyond. Ultimately, my goal is to contribute to the eradication of human trafficking and the promotion of human rights on a broader scale.

3. What is the significance of your findings?

The response to this research question should describe the influence of your work on your field of study. You may discuss the fresh insights that your study has contributed and their impact on society.

The significance of my findings is that they could help to improve the accuracy of predictions made by machine learning algorithms. My thesis defense was important because it showed that my research is valuable and has the potential to make a contribution to the field of machine learning.

4. How did you go about conducting your research?

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the research process will vary depending on the topic of your thesis and the methodology you’re using. However, in general, you’ll want to start by finding relevant literature and articles, then designing and conducting experiments or surveys to collect data, and finally analyzing and interpreting your findings. You’ll also need to present your findings in a clear and concise way in your thesis defense.

5. What sources did you use for data collection?

You would have looked for information on your topic from a variety of sources. You are free to expand on those sources. You could have used databases, web content, or even conducted primary research by interviewing prospects. As a result, you can discuss these sources. Please see the following response:

For data collection, I used a variety of sources, including both primary and secondary sources. For my primary sources, I conducted interviews with experts in the field and collected survey data from consumers. For my secondary sources, I analyzed studies conducted by other researchers as well as data from government agencies and private companies.

6. What are the limitations of your research?

This is another easy question that is hard to answer. Most of the time, the question isn’t asked to help you feel better but to find ways to criticize your work. You have to be careful with your words if you want to answer this question, or you might get yourself in trouble. Be careful not to sell yourself short. Do not talk about the problems with your methods or how you analyzed the data. This could make it seem like your study is biased or not well done. Instead of putting limits on your study, use simple things like how hard it is to combine lectures and projects.

My research is focused on the use of big data and machine learning in marketing. However, there are many other applications for these technologies that I am not able to explore in my thesis. Additionally, there are many potential pitfalls with using big data and machine learning that I am not able to explore in my research.

7. What are the implications of your findings?

This question concerns the application of your study. You should discuss how your study benefits society and how it might aid in resolving pressing problems.

The implications of my findings are that more research is needed to fully understand the effects of climate change on plant communities. Additionally, my research suggests that climate change may lead to a decline in plant diversity, which could have serious consequences for ecosystems.

8. How does your thesis contribute to existing knowledge in your field?

Explain how your research will add to the existing body of knowledge. To answer this question, you must describe how your research will serve the government in policy formation and execution, how it will aid other students who may wish to conduct research on the topic, and how organizations and society will benefit from your research.

My research is significant because it has the potential to improve the accuracy of predictions made by machine learning algorithms. This could have a major impact on a wide range of industries, including finance, healthcare, and manufacturing.

9. What are the future research directions that could be taken based on your findings?

You should be able to discuss the new fields of research that have been opened up as a result of your research as a researcher. Researchers in the future will be able to use this as a starting point. For instance,

The future research directions that could be taken based on my findings are:

  1. Investigating the effects of different types of music on cognitive function.
  2. Examining the effects of music listening on mood and emotions.
  3. Studying the long-term effects of music listening on cognitive function.

10. In a few sentences, can you tell us what your study is all about?

In your response, you should briefly summarize your investigation. The question is straightforward but requires technical knowledge for a more complete explanation of the concepts. For instance, if you wrote a thesis attempting to explain the effects of various types of stress on memory, you could structure your response as follows:

My study is about the effects of different types of stress on memory. I am looking at how different types of stressors, such as physical or psychological stress, affect people’s ability to remember things.

11. Why did you choose this particular title for your research?

As a researcher, it is critical that you choose a title that accurately reflects the content of your thesis. How did you make the final decision to name your work? Your committee will want to know that. For instance,

The title of my research is “The Role of Social Media in the Political Process.” I chose this title because I think social media has a huge role to play in the political process. I’m interested in how social media can be used to engage people in the political process and how it can be used to spread information about candidates and issues.

12. What is the scope of your study?

In your response, you must define the scope of your study and precisely what you are researching. There may be several elements involved, but you must define the parameters you have chosen to investigate. As an example,

The scope of my study is to analyze the effects of a new management style on employee productivity. The elements involved in the study are the employees of a company who will be randomly divided into two groups, one with the new management style and one without. The parameters of the study are the number of employees in each group, the length of time the study will be conducted, and the productivity metric that will be used.

13. Who will be most interested in your research?

You can discuss who might be affected by your research and who might benefit from it. Consider the following example:

The people who will be most interested in my research are other researchers in the same field. They will be interested in my findings and how they can apply them to their own work. I also hope that my research will be of interest to the general public, as it could have implications for their everyday lives.

14 . What gaps did you intend to bridge with your research?

Every research study must address an issue. Your ability to solve this challenge and explore previously unexplored places earns you the maximum possible score for this response. You must be able to persuade the committee members that your technique is novel and that it has covered regions where little research has been conducted by other researchers.

The gaps that I intended to bridge with my research were the lack of knowledge about the role of emotions in decision-making and the lack of understanding of how people make decisions under stress. My research aimed to fill these gaps by exploring how emotions affect decision-making and how people make decisions under stress.

15. What research findings surprised you?

When conducting research, you discover results that you did not anticipate. If you have had such an incident, you may describe it to the evaluation committee in your response. For instance,

I was surprised by how little difference there was between the test scores of students who attended private and public schools. I also found that the achievement gap between rich and poor students is much wider than I expected.

16. What is the validity of your findings?

You must discuss the criteria under which your research findings are valid.

The validity of our research findings is based on the accuracy and precision of our data. Our data was collected using a valid and reliable survey instrument, which means that our findings are likely to be accurate. Additionally, our results were analyzed using appropriate statistical techniques, which increases the reliability of our findings.

17 . What theories or theoretical framework is your study based on?

This is a very technical but intriguing question. Before entering the defense room, you should be familiar with at least two relevant theories related to your research.

The study is based on the theory of planned behavior. This theory looks at the factors that influence people’s intentions to behave in a certain way. It includes beliefs about the behavior, attitudes towards the behavior, and social norms regarding the behavior.

18 . Based on your findings, what are your recommendations?

In every research study, recommendations are very important and should not be taken lightly. In the end, you should be able to give your recommendations at any given time.

Based on my findings, I recommend that businesses focus on creating valuable content and building relationships with their customers. They should also strive to create a strong online presence through social media and SEO.

How to Prepare for Your Thesis Defense

First, make sure you know what is expected of you during the defense. Familiarize yourself with the format and the questions that will be asked. Next, practice presenting your thesis to others. Get feedback and work on refining your presentation. Finally, be prepared to answer any questions that may be thrown your way.


The thesis defense is a nerve-wracking experience, but it is also a chance to show off all of your hard work. Be sure to prepare for the questions that will be asked of you, and remember to relax and have fun. By preparing for these questions, you can ensure that your defense goes as smoothly as possible. The thesis defense is an important milestone in your academic career, so congratulations on making it this far!

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Clara Chinyere Meierdierks
Clara Chinyere Meierdierks
1 year ago

Thanks, this is helpful