PNPACAT 2023 Reviewer with Answer Keys

If you plan to pursue a career as a commissioned officer in the police, jail or fire service, you may consider applying to the PNPA. But before becoming a part of the Cadet Corps of the PNPA, you need to pass the PNPACAT first. The PNPA Cadet Admission Test (PNPACAT) or popularly known as the PNPA Entrance Exam is the pre-qualifying test given to aspiring cadets of the Philippine National Police Academy. It is the first step to take toward your dream of becoming a commissioned officer of the PNP, BFP or BJMP.

Without further ado, here is our PNPACAT reviewer to help you pass the examination. We hope that this reviewer will give you a bird’s eye view of your PNPACAT journey and the needed exposure to the actual tests you will take, preparing you psychologically and removing the mental block and nervousness which are deterrent factors in passing the examination.

PNPACAT Coverage and Reviewer

If you are looking for an effective reviewer for the upcoming PNPACAT, we recommend the PNPA Exam Reviewer with Neuro-Psychiatric Examination (PPE) Practice Tests and Samples book. It is available in Shopee and can be paid through the Cash on Delivery option. This is good review material if you are willing to spend money on your review, otherwise, use our free online reviewer below.

The 2023 PNPA Entrance Examinations will cover the following subject areas in the 200-item long examination:


Please be reminded that the result of the PNPACAT is competency-based. Meaning, the applicant must get a passing score or at least 50% of all subjects covered to qualify for the next step of the application. If an applicant manages to get a passing score in the overall computation but failed in one subject area, he or she will not advance to the next phase of screening.

We compiled questions from various online sources into a reviewer to help you pass the exam and achieve the required score in any subject. To access our free online reviewer, please follow the links on the corresponding subject areas listed above. As much as we try to keep this reviewer as accurate as possible, TOPNOTCHER PH makes no guarantees about the veracity and accuracy of the information it provides. If you found errors or parts that need corrections, please contact us through the comments below.

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Joshualin Arellano Galino
Joshualin Arellano Galino
1 month ago

I will join to this discussion to improve my knowledge for incoming PNPA entrance exam

3 months ago

on of the answer is wrong, it was asking if the horizontal bar and swing is parallel, but then when they got to the explanation why it’s parallel, it says it’s because the seat and bar are parallel, but the question was about the seat and swing which were connected to each other

1 month ago
Reply to  izmi

It’s parallel because as stated in the question “Two chains that are exactly 24 inches from each other and of equal length. The seat of the swing is also 24 inches.”, meaning that the portion of the bar in relation to the swing is also 24 inches. Putting all of these factors together, one can conclude that the relationship between the bar and the swing is parallel. Plus perpendicular means two lines intersect at a right angle. Hope this helps :>>>>

4 months ago

Regarding the history segment, Code of Kalantiaw is actually a hoax.

1 year ago

English tenses and parts of speech

1 year ago

wala po bang abstract reasoning?

1 year ago
Reply to  Marc

may abstract reasoning nasa under sya ng logical