PUPCET Tips, Coverage and Reviewer

One of the biggest advantages of studying in Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) is the low tuition fee. It is a government-funded school that is why the tuition fee was so affordable. Aside from the having the cheapest tuition nationwide, the institution is known for quality education. That is why thousands of graduating students across the country are hoping to pass the PUPCET and study at PUP.

The PUP College Entrance Test is a difficult one and you have to prepare for it. To help you pass and meet the required rating for your chosen course, we gather some tips on how to pass the PUPCET. We also provide a free online PUPCET reviewer to increase your chances of passing this entrance exam. Please read on.

Tips to Pass the PUPCET

Every year, thousands of students flock to PUP hoping to pass the PUPCET. Unfortunately, only a small percentage of examinees are admitted to PUP. To help you secure your spot and be an “Iskolar ng Bayan”, I suggest that you follow these PUPCET tips so that you will be prepared for this once in a lifetime experience:

1. Prepare and Review

Preparation is the key to passing this entrance exam. Prepare and gather review materials as soon as possible. Look for your old notes on your high school Mathematics, Science, and English.  Make a review plan and execute it. Ensure that you have at least 2 sharpened Mongol no. 2 pencils in your bag before leaving home for the exam.

2. Arrive Early

Hundreds, if not thousands of students are also taking the exam. Prepare yourself for heavy traffic and long queues. Try to arrive at the PUP campus early to give yourself some time to relax and prepare before the exam starts.

3. Bring your Test Permit

Secure the test permit in your bag before leaving home. Obviously, PUP will not allow you to take the exam if you do not have a test permit.

4. Practice Time Management

Like what I have said earlier, PUPCET is a difficult exam. What makes it difficult is that you have to answer 150-200 questions in just 2 hours. It means that you need to answer a question in just a minute and a half. Try not to waste time on difficult questions. Just get back at them later after answering the easy ones.

5. Take the Exam Neatly

The answer sheets will be checked by a machine. Shade your answers properly and try to avoid erasures.

PUPCET Coverage

The first step of preparing for the PUPCET is to know the subject areas covered in the examination. This way, you can focus your review on these subjects increasing your chances of passing the PUPCET. Here are the subjects covered in the 2018 PUP College Entrance Test:

  • Mathematics- Algebra, quantitative reasoning, and basic Mathematics
  • English- Spelling, Verbal Reasoning, Reading comprehension, and grammar.
  • Science- Biology, Physics, Chemistry
  • Abstract Reasoning
  • General Information

PUPCET Reviewer

This online PUPCET reviewer is made to help Filipinos pass the PUPCET and later be admitted to the Polytechnic University of the Philippines. It is composed of 20-30 item quizzes in a multiple choice format. We do not guarantee a 100% success rate but it will definitely increase the odds of admission to the PUP.

To access the mock examinations, just follow the links below:



*This online reviewer is still under construction. We will provide the reviewer for each subject as soon as the resources are available.

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1 year ago

Hi, what happens if there is an item in the test paper that has no answer/skipped accidentally? How does the machine check the whole exam paper?

2 years ago

Hi Incoming freshman here! Open na po ba ang PUP for 2023-2024? and may entrance exam po ba?

Mariel Castillo Cruz
Mariel Castillo Cruz
2 years ago

Im Mariel C.Cruz
From luzon ave Culiat Qc
Senior high graduate
Abm -management
Average95% honors

Mariel Castillo Cruz
Mariel Castillo Cruz
2 years ago

Hi ,im Mariel C.Cruz from Luzon ave Culiat QC.i want to ask if pwede oa po ba ako mag entrace exam sa PuP .i love to Schooling on your University .Im from Culiat High School Graduated Senior High 2022-2023 .Please give me updat for your School Admition. My number is XXXXXXXXX pls contact me .i dont have yet School up to now cause i really live on Pup🥰🥰🥰.My aberage now grade 12 is 95% honors

3 years ago

Hello po, ask ko lang po kung tumatanggap ba ng GED graduates ang pup?